Mediation Services from a Board Certified Family Law Attorney

Many families these days are looking for alternatives to litigation. They want to work out their family law issues through negotiation rather than through a lengthy and potentially risky and expensive court battle. If you are an attorney representing such a client, Tony is here to help you facilitate settlement through mediation.

Tony offers skilled mediation services supported by his more than 36 years of experience as a family law attorney. He has an extremely high rate of settling family law cases out of court. He brings a unique perspective to mediation from his work as a former Circuit Court Magistrate. His credentials as a mediator in family law matters include being a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator and a Florida Bar Board Certified Marital & Family Law Attorney.

You Are An Essential Part Of The Process

While we provide a neutral and productive framework for negotiations, we believe that individual client representation is crucial during mediation or any other type of negotiation. For this reason, we only mediate in cases where at least one party is represented by their own attorney.

When your clients case is ready for mediation, we want to be your go-to resource for family law attorneys who need a qualified mediator.

Contact Us Today To Discuss Your Options

If you’d like to learn more about our mediation practice and how we collaborate with you to give your clients the best possible service, call our office in Naples at 239-430-1884. You can also inquire via email.